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There are over 4,000 different treatments available for healing with Tai Yi. Tai Yi is a very individualized type of healing based upon your specific needs. At the Healing Journey, we will decide together which treatments will be most beneficial for your specific healing path.
Tai Yi can be used for emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual growth and healing. Below is a partial list of available treatments.
Balances the thyroid, parathyroid and hypo/hyperthyroid. The thyroid is one of the most critical glands of the body and is strongly related to depression. It would give this treatment a boost to have Hormonal Human treatment done first.
This is an emotional treatment when one has had a miscarriage or abortion which creates a disturbance or injury to the emotional body.
This works on all addictions: mental, emotional and physical. One can be addicted to anger, depression, sugar, alcohol, work, relationship, marijuana and other drugs. Addiction keeps one from changing and resolving their emotional issues.
This works with people who have been abducted, those who have been implanted or tortured or simply watched an abduction. It also works for ones who have been negatively impacted by chemtrails.
This is a 3-part treatment done on the New Moon, the Full Moon and the New Moon again. It allows for deeper levels of recall with ADD people and assists in recalling memories and emotions. It assists in feeling emotions.
Wax in Chinese medicine was referred to as lack of fire. This exercise puts more heat into the body, not physical heat for heat to keep the meridians healthy. Wax in body, according to the Chinese, allows for high cholesterol, tiredness, poor circulation and depression. Some are born with inferior meridians, poor genetics, karmic issues, fear of being self. This assists to break down chemicals in the body. Today’s chemicals are very difficult to remove from the body. If one is already working on depression, tiredness, cholesterol, poor circulation but not quite getting there, this exercise will assist to help the body do what the mind is wanting to accomplish.
You need more than love to heal some issues. This exercise moves energy from the emotional body through the heart chakra and into the lower soul body and into the physical brain. It can also assist older adults who are starting to lose their memory.
For those who were heavily indoctrinated as a child. This allows for purging of the programmed mind.
The bladder stores urinary waste as its physical function. The energy function of the bladder is in charge of the autonomous nervous system. The bladder works with the meridian head to toe along the spinal cord and down both legs. If the bladder energy is blocked, you’ll have a very stiff spinal column.
This is a 3-part treatment. This treatment removes a wall of energy between the mental and emotional body that prevents one from truly bonding with others, including their soul family. It’s good for children with attachment disorder and adopted children.
This exercise assists ones what are going through much change. It creates clarity as to what order change needs to be created. When change is created out of order, imbalance occurs. It also assists ones to prioritize changes by connecting with the wisdom of the higher mind. Very beneficial for ones in therapy to have this treatment done and then follow up with counseling.
This treatment protects the brain when one is under extreme stress. It also helps protect the brain from harmful toxins from medication, which may affect the brain.
Helps balance the brain and cortisol. Long-term effects of stress is damaging. Stress raises the level of cortisol, lowering your immune system, decreasing brain cells, which impairs memory.
Cerebellum is the part of the brain that holds the ancient memories. Working with the cerebellum can dramatically increase feeling, circulation, memories of other lifetimes and memories of childhood. The cerebellum carries memories of the human race. When you tune into the whale’s song, you are tapping into the library of the history of Earth. The whale’s song works with the cerebellum.
This creates a shift in the circulation of blood and energy within the body. It shifts the circulation out of old patterns for a cleaner flow. This shift alters the pattern of blood flow to the brain. Also assists in increasing the circulation to the skin.
This exercise assists in releasing a major cord. If it has been there for a while, it can have minor cords attached to it and attached to other parts of the body. All major cords have a dark intent. A major cord depletes the immune system, takes life force energy, and absorbs mental thoughts and emotions.
Assists on multiple levels. It supports those who are desirous to reduce their cravings and obsessive energies and to release their addictions. It assists ones who are suicidal and acknowledge that they are. It encourages the strengthening of the mental and emotional bodies and brings them into balance with each other. It works at the cellular level to assist in cleansing out the programmed cellular instinct of survival mode inherited from many generations to allow greater clarity of intent. It assists with dissipating and balancing extreme emotions, chronic over many lifetimes, and with balancing the organ energies.
This works with connecting the spirit body, the emotional body and the brain. It can greatly assist one in breaking through their mental block, or one that finds them self in a rut or have become sidetracked.
Pollution interferes with clarity and the power of choice. This exercise assists one with improving their clarity of choices that are made. It is good for ones who work near electricity, near power lines, fly a lot, or are on the computer a lot. They are often confused and make weak choices and the outcome is not clear.
This treatment neutralizes the negative effects of inoculations, as well as mercury. Immunizations tend to be extremely toxic to the liver, lungs and sometimes the brain. Toxins will stick to the energy field around each organ. This treatment works with the immune system to counterbalance toxins. Optimal timing is to have this done 5 days before a vaccination.
This treatment has to do with releasing old relationships that ended negatively. When you start a new relationship, it creates a birth. There needs to be a death of the old relationship or it stays forever. Old relationships most affect the emotional body.
This exercise works on fear and anger. These are the two most common energies that set up a failure pattern. This then crates denial of commitment and problems with keeping commitments. The failure syndrome creates self-sabotage.
The gallbladder metabolizes fats and oils and creates bile to do that. This will assist the gallbladder to function better.
This treatment energizes the body’s natural mechanisms to filter the blood and supports the detoxifications of the body. It works well after the Liver Purge. It also works with the spleen and kidneys. May assist one who has high blood pressure as a result of a weak kidney.
Helps to release grief and assists the lungs and heart. Grief causes slow metabolism, high cholesterol, weakened lungs and heart and asthma. The body can’t produce enough heat to keep warm. Grief creates a hardened shell on the chakra.
For one with heart ailments, either physical or emotional. There are many emotions lodged in the heart. Also look at the 2nd heart and thymus.
This is a 3-part treatment. It is for ones who have allowed the heart essence to turn into stone creating difficulty in loving and being loved. For ones who only remember and empower painful and difficult parts of their life.
There are ones who are very sweet and assisting to others, but they have a bitter heart to themselves. The energy in the fluid around the heart (2nd heart) will have many toxins in the fluid which will lead to heart disease. This takes the fluids around the heart and begins altering the chemistry around the heart.
This is a 2-part treatment done in the same day. Bonding and alignment allows the mind field as well as the mental body to bond with and come into alignment with the heart chakra. The heart chakra is referred to as the gateway to the soul.
Works with balancing the hormones in the human energy system. Good for both men and women going through menopause, or if experiencing a hormonal imbalance due to chemical food, drink and toxic childhood. Assists in releasing self-destructive patterns.
Creates a balance in the thyroid.
Works with programming of the brain and innate knowledge of the mind. When innate intelligence does not flow to the brain, you get cross-contamination. When using the brain, you get polluted pictures. When these are in conflict, people are depressed, angry and there’s more pollution. This may show up as internal issues in the torso which then affects all other parts of the body. Symptoms can be internal bleeding, swelling, poor digestion, female/male organ difficulties, etc. This also includes conflict between the heart and mind. It will also assist with the etherical organs that have been physically removed.
When kidneys are blocked, you can forget why you’re here. They work directly with the immune system. Emotional stress will damage the kidneys. If kidneys are inflamed, small intestines, gallbladder and lungs will have problems. This treatment also sends energy to ovaries and testicles.
Large intestines transport waste from liquid to solid. When stagnate, it’s difficult to embrace something new on an emotional level. This exercise will move waste out of the body but won’t change the emotions.
For ones who live their life seeking approval from parents, spouse, friends, teachers, society, etc. Their true creative ability is asleep and they often carry a deep take-care-of-me energy. For true joy to exist, one must be themselves and flow with the flow of energy instead of against it. Afterwards one will feel more creative, empowered, and excited about living their life.
Strengthens the skin's immune system from harmful rays of the sun. Also assists in radiation poisoning on minor levels. Increases the vibratory level for those who are raising their consciousness.
The liver receives all amino acids extracted from the small intestines which forms into protein for repair of tissues. The liver drives dreams, desires and ambitions. When blocked, it creates anger. This treatment assists the small intestines to help the liver.
This treatment creates stagnation for the purpose of release. It causes energy to build and then have a rapid release. It’s best to do this treatment 3 – 5 times within a three week period. A cleanse following this treatment is beneficial.
For ones with issues involving the lungs, including grief. The lungs are a doorway to the mind, emotions, physical body and spirit. The stronger the lungs, the stronger and clearer the emotions.
Heavy metals are an underlying cause of many chronic diseases; therefore, eliminating them from our bodies is very important. Heavy metals are one of the strongest environmental pressures that humans interact with on a daily basis. Toxic and heavy metals cause disturbances in our body’s systems, affecting the integrity of the blood and including degeneration in our organs and bones. This treatment is beneficial for individuals with Leaky Gut Syndrome.
This is good for ones getting ready to go into therapy dealing with the mind, addiction, counseling or attending a seminar or class. Those who have an issue about a particular subject have trouble learning about it. This treatment helps one to be open and receptive to understanding and recognizing what mental blocks have been there.
Assists in releasing certain toxins in the body from sugar, chocolate and alcohol. The pancreas craves sugar and then it becomes a mind addiction. This will assist a damaged pancreas when one has eaten too much sugar. Also good for diabetes and hypoglycemia.
The perception of pain can be magnified or be greater than the actual pain. The mind records every event that has ever occurred in the body. The more the same injury occurs, the greater the perception of that pain. Emotional and mental pain are even greater. This exercise brings the perception of pain into alignment with the energy flow of the body and assists in dissipating the level of the pain. The energy from this exercise goes to the largest perception in the body.
This helps repair damage done by GMO foods. Today’s GMO foods are diseased foods as their genetics are intentionally altered. This is not a permanent fix so that one can continue eating GMO foods. It helps to repair damage from GMO foods. If one changes their diet to pure foods, this exercise will greatly assist.
This exercise is for self-punishment, guilt and self-anger. It also works for ones who punish themselves in the dream state or in the out-of-body state. One may wake up depressed, anxious or angry when punishing self in the sleep state.
Releases stress caused from trauma of events either in this life or another life. The energy of stress keeps PTSD in place.
Primarily for ones in the healing field who have experienced some form of physical illness, particularly if they've taken on energy of someone they worked on. For ones who have a tendency to absorb energy from others.
This treatment creates a sense of emotional calmness within an individual. It works with removing old stagnate energy which will allow the individual to feel a renewed emotional state.
For ones who have low self-esteem which may result in physical problems.
This is good for ones who have a tendency to get caught up in human drama and especially family drama. It creates a shield around the mind to protect itself and makes the outer regions of the energy field more dense.
For deep levels of depression usually from severe punishment or fear of punishment. This personality is looking for one to take care of them.
This is also called the Dragon Exercise. This sends heat and energy to the small intestines. Emotions are held in the intestines. When eating while stressed, the intestines retain toxins. Intestines and the heart are directly connected.
This exercise is for ones who have been punished for following their path in life, in whatever life it may have been. It will clear out the residue of pain punishment, including fear. The residue of punishment creates a sound that is heard by the brain and creates an irritation.
This will assist in spinal injuries and spinal difficulties. Great for ones who continue to need spinal chiropractic adjustments. Increases immune function. Works in ending separation between the spine and the brain. Clears out clutter and confusion, allowing greater communication between the brain and spine.
The spleen/pancreas affects the quality and quantity of blood and circulation. They coordinate with the kidneys to control the balance of fluids throughout the body. This technique is good if one is retaining water.
For those with stomach problems or can’t tolerate spices. The stomach distributes energy to the meridians, lungs, and to some degree the kidneys. Stomach problems often move to the lungs. What are you not able to stomach about yourself.
The Golden Mind refers to the heart connecting to the higher mind. This treatment allows for a clearer channel to the higher mind and clears out the gum residue left behind from polluted thoughts. It will assist one to feel on a deeper level.
Assists one in becoming aware of the walls we build to hide our power. Begins opening the seed of self-power which is often overridden by the propaganda from social and religious consciousness.
This treatment helps to keep one focused on what they are creating today. It’s great for people who continue to recreate the past or leave the future up to someone to something else. It helps one to focus deeper on what they are creating and assist one to make a different choice. Also for ones who want someone to take care of them.
This exercise sets up an energy shield to guard the emotional body from chemtrails. There are two parts, done between 24-48 hours apart. Chemicals in chemtrails deeply affect the emotional body which creates apathy, passiveness, and an “I don’t care” attitude. For those who have given up emotionally. When the emotional body is strengthened, the other bodies are strengthened.
Can assist in alleviating the side effects of the m/RNA vaccine and any possible inflammatory response. Consisting of three parts done three days in a row, ideally 3-7 days before the inoculation.
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